Spring Program Registration

2025 Spring Development Program
Tournament Teams, Co-Op Series Games, Skills, Drills, Power Skate, & Small Area Games
The Vikings Hockey Club is proud to announce our 20254 Spring Development Program at Arctic Ice Arena. We are the leader in Spring Development Hockey. This year’s program will run from late-March to mid-June. The Vikings Spring Development Program is open to ALL PLAYERS from ALL CLUBS including AAA, High School, Tier II, Arctic Jr Fury and all House Programs.
New for 2025, the Vikings Spring Program will be entering teams at 8U Mites, 10U SQs, 12U PWs and 14U Bantams in the Prairie State Co-Op Hockey Series playing a small number of games at Arctic and Darien. We will enter teams over two weekend dates at the A1 and A2 levels. These are simply added games to enhance each club’s spring programs and to work together to offer the kids additional playing opportunities. This is in addition to our weekly sessions which will consist of a combination of Power Skating, Skills, Drills, Small Area Games, Tournament Teams and the Co-Op Series Games. This new format allows for a focus on individual player development while implementing team concepts and tactics through a fun, yet competitive game environment.
Spring Program Options
Option 1 - Families can sign up for the full spring program at their child’s age level. (21 on ice slots @ 70 mins each) This consists of all On-Ice Sessions from March 31 - June 11, including C0-Op Series Games if selected.
Option 2 – Families can purchase a Flex 12 skate program which can be used any time during the Spring Program. The Flex 12 skaters name will be checked off a master Flex 12 list each time they attend. The Flex 12 Skate Program can be used in any combination of levels if a family has multiple skaters at different levels. The player can attend any 12 on ice sessions they choose at their age level from April through June. If a player is selected for Co-Op Games, there will be a small fee to play in those games.
(There is no Flex 12 offering for Goalies, all Mite players, and all Midget players as their fees are already discounted.)